We have all read fake news stories. We especially liked the one about the 200-pound cat that went on a diet! There are also many fake news stories out there about insurance. Some of these news articles claim that it is supposedly easier and better to buy personal insurance online. These articles go so far as to claim you can get better coverage if you do it yourself. Unfortunately, many of these articles are part of the “fake news” trend and many unsuspecting consumers have been hurt by decisions they have made because of them. We do not want anyone to make a poor decision because of fake insurance news.
Here are the facts; these are not fake news stories
- When you buy insurance online you are taking the risk that you might not be getting the coverage you and family need. Licensed professional insurance agents go through a long education process to obtain a license and keep that license. Professional agents must take continuing education to keep up on all the changes in coverage, the law, and company offerings. Therefore, a professional licensed agent has the knowledge and experience to find the best coverage and value for your individual needs.
- Many insurance advertisements describe certain types of coverage like vehicle replacement cost, vanishing deductibles and more. However, what they do not tell you is that these kinds of coverage’s cost more and are not offered to everyone.
- Buying the state minimum auto liability is never a good idea. Rarely does the state minimum cover the expenses of a totaled vehicle and medical bills from injured parties.
- Another fake news story is that only people who live in a flood zone need flood insurance. According to the Federal Government, over 35% of all flood damage occurs to homes outside the flood zone.
- You do not have to be a millionaire to lose your home and retirement in a liability loss.
Personal umbrella insurance can protect your family’s assets.For very little cost, you can have the protection of a personal umbrella policy.
Founded in the Belltown neighborhood of Seattle in 2004, we now service the entire west coast, including Washington, Oregon and California, with office locations in Seattle and San DIego. At Belltown Insurance Group, each one of our clients are given a dedicated team of experts that work together to proficiently address all your concerns.
We offer all types of Personal Insurance coverages to our clients in Washington including Auto Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, Individual Life Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, and Boat & Watercraft.
Give one of our agents a call to save money on your Business Insurance. Some of our Commercial insurance coverages include Business Owners Policy (BOP), General Liability, Commercial Auto, Workers Compensation, and Bonds.